Stress doesn’t have to be stressful. 


Stress and tension is held in the body and the only way to release it is through the body. A simple and powerful way to do this is through Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®). It's a body-based stress release method that offers incredible benefits.


A big part of its popularity is that TRE® doesn't require revisiting a story or talking. It's an opportunity to let your body lead your processing and releasing, and not your thinking mind.  The method is an extremely practical, easy-to-learn self care tool that really works.

TRE helps you activate the somatic shaking response, or neurogenic tremoring. It's a natural, innate tension release mechanism found in every mammal's body. Tremoring is used by Navy SEALS, first responders, journalists, veterans, and high-performers in over 60 countries and growing.

The tremoring isn't a part of the stress itself, but rather a part of the body's drive to release and discharge the stored stress.  
Carolyn's had a personal TRE® practice for 18 years and has unforgettable stories to share. She became a Certified TRE® Provider in 2021. Her mission is to teach accessible, self-empowering, trauma-informed practices that anyone can do anywhere, and TRE is one of the best there is.
This is especially for you if you feel tense and painful areas in your body,  have panic/anxiety or get overwhelmed easily, have trouble sleeping, or have life experiences that you want to release out of your system such as high-stress work, surgery, accidents or loss.


Here are the top ten benefits of TRE®:


1. Stress Reduction:

TRE® helps to release accumulated stress and tension stored in the body, promoting a sense of relaxation and calmness. Many people say it feels like getting a massage from the inside out.

2. Trauma Release:

By gently activating the body's natural tremor response, TRE® supports the release of trauma held and stored in the nervous system as a charge. It's never too late to discharge.

3. Improved Sleep:

Practicing TRE® can aid in improving sleep quality and reducing insomnia by releasing physical and emotional tension that may be interfering with sleep patterns.

4. Increased Resilience and Athletic Recovery:

Regular TRE® practice enhances the body's capacity to handle stress and adversity, allowing individuals to bounce back more easily from challenging situations or endurance feats. Athletes use TRE as a way to have better overall athletic performance and recover faster after working out.

5. Emotional Regulation:

TRE® helps individuals develop a greater sense of emotional resilience and regulation by releasing stored emotions. People tend to report reduced feelings of overwhelm, anger, fear and rage, and increased feelings of love, openness and caring.

6. Enhanced Body Awareness:

Through TRE®, individuals increase their body awareness, or interoception, and develop a deeper connection with their bodies that allows for more skilled attunement to physiological reactions without getting overwhelmed by them.

7. Chronic Pain Relief:

Many individuals report a reduction in symptoms of sciatica, fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions after practicing TRE® regularly, as the exercises help release muscle tension and allow the fascia to open naturally, increasing mobility in the joints and endorphins in the brain, which act as natural painkillers.

8. Improved Digestion:

The relaxation response induced by TRE® can positively impact digestion by reducing stress-related digestive disturbances such as bloating and indigestion.

9. Increased Energy Levels:

By releasing tension and stress from the body and discharging stress chemicals, TRE® can lead to increased energy levels and a greater sense of vitality. Most individuals report they feel  lighter after tremoring.

10. Overall Well-being:

TRE® is a holistic practice that works with the nervous system, enhances overall well-being and allows a greater sense of balance no matter what happens in life. 


Since the shaking experience is innate to our animal bodies, it's easy to learn virtually or in-person. It's a unifying experience that cuts across age, religion, gender identities or culture.

The most common things people share with Carolyn afterwards is that they feel lighter and calmer, and that this helped them release in a way that yoga and other practices just haven't. 

What People are Saying

Experience the transformative benefits of TRE®  with virtual or in-person facilitation. 

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