Philosophy & Approach

We often assume we'll feel great when we get what we want or finish the thing, but what about feeling great on the way there, too? 

Stress and emotions are stored in our bodies.

Tending to the nervous system is one of the most empowering and important things we can do as human beings. It’s the skill of our times.

So what does that mean? We need to intentionally metabolize our stress and emotions and learn how to move between different nervous system states. This is self-regulation. The idea is not to be calm and happy ALL the time. It's about not getting stuck in one of the rough places, and cultivating aliveness and alignment. Since the body and mind are connected via the nervous system, our nervous system affects everything-- the way we think, interact with and communicate with others, and how we react to and experience the world around us.

Our modern world has led many people to be distracted, overstimulated and have persistently elevated stress levels, which leads to nervous system dysregulation.

A dysregulated nervous system is essentially the cause of emotional and physical burnout. It can manifest as symptoms such as depression, anxiety and panic, chronic pain, sleep issues, GI distress, poor memory, migraines, poor concentration, irritability, exhaustion, and inappropriate behavior such as rage outbursts, aggression, and lying.

The tools and strategies at Shake Away Stress are designed to help you:

  • release stress

  • reinvigorate yourself

  • prevent burnout

  • quickly move through overwhelm

  • rebalance your nervous system

  • experience more joy & pleasure

The good news is, we are designed to return to regulation, or a balanced state of being in your body and mind. There is inherent intelligence in our neurophysiology.

As Bessel van der Kolk famously says, “The body keeps the score.”  It’s important to get below the brain. We can't just live our lives from our knowledge; we need to connect to and be aware of our bodies, our hearts, and our energy. There’s so much more information going from the body to the brain than the other way around. And there's no better way to understand this fully than having a lived, embodied experience of building nervous system capacity.

The majority of pain we experience comes down to trapped emotions in the body. Emotions don’t disappear when you aren’t feeling them—they need to be felt to be released. Feel your feelings. So simple, and so true.

My dream for the planet is for people to be more resilient and able to act from love by regulating their fear-based responses. Why? The world would have less pain, destruction and conflict if people could regulate; could connect to themselves with compassion, no matter how they feel. By practicing self-regulation skills and cultivating a feeling of safety and possibility, people naturally become more compassionate and powerful.

By powerful, I mean personal power TO, not power over. I mean knowing that within yourself you have the ability and awareness to create whatever kind of lived experience you want—emotionally and energetically. 

From this powerful, regulated place, the best decision-making and loving actions are possible. This transforms your relationships, how you work, lead, love, parent, create, and connect.

My offerings combine science-backed, practical stress release and nervous system support tools that I use in my own life and have taught hundreds of people. I’m committed to creating spaces where you can BE WITH, rather than stuff down or try to change how you feel. If you allow your body and intuition to lead the way, and move your feelings through at your own pace, transformation is possible. Our society can only change when individuals do this courageous work. Thanks for being here.

  I can help you explore the tools that are right for you.