Sunday, Feb. 9th, 2:30-4:30pm
at Open Door Integrative Wellness in White River Junction, VT (in-person only)
Somatic shaking, or tremoring, is a simple yet powerful tool to help you release stress and tension.
What you'll get from this workshop:
Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®) is a body-based method for releasing deeply held stress and tension in the muscles and connective tissue. You'll activate the natural vibration or tremor mechanism available in every human being, and then lie down and literally shake away stress.
This workshop includes intentional breathing, stretching, somatic shaking and guided reflection prompts.
By the end, expect to feel calm and rebalanced like you got a massage from the inside out.
This is for you if:
You're interested in body-based stress and trauma release where you don't have to revisit stories or talk about anything, and are curious to explore tremoring in the comfort of their own home. This method is helpful for athletic recovery, mobility, insomnia, releasing birth and accident trauma, and the list goes on and on.
This is NOT for you if:
You have recent big-T traumas that you haven't processed with a compassionate witness or professional yet. This is not the right format for you, but I do suggest an individual private session. If you prefer in-person, you can look to see if anyone is near you in the TRE Provider Directory.
Your own body can help you shift out of the mental- and emotional-based effects of fear, trauma, and pain, but it's up to you to make the space for releasing and re-wiring. I hope you'll join us.
If you're someone who wants allll the details, keep reading below!
This class is an opportunity for somatic processing, building self-trust, and rebalancing deep in the muscles and connective tissue. You can expect a body-based practice, combined with some gentle cognitive re-wiring, to help you send signals of safety & ease from your body to your entire being.
What will happen in the session?
I'll start of setting the context and talking a little about the mind-body connection, how stress and emotions get stuck, and how somatic practices help.
Then we'll move into movement-based exercises (with modifications as needed) so you'll want comfortable clothing and a mat or blanket to lie on. We'll be tremoring and then resting lying down.
I offer guided visualization and writing prompts to capture your insights, as well as time for Q&A.
I'm not sure ... tell me more:
While it's natural for people to be a bit nervous their first time trying this method, the most common things people say at the end of a session are "That was amazing" and "I literally feel lighter."
I've had a personal practice of TRE® for 18 years, and have worked with hundreds of people since becoming a Certified TRE® Provider in 2021. I've experienced and seen major breakthroughs and self-directed healing on the regular. I'm on a mission to normalize this incredible natural ability we ALL have access to.
Much love,